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11.1 Datatype definitions
In addition to the wide range of built-in datatypes described in
section 7, Gofer also allows the definition of new datatypes using
declarations of the form:
data DatatypeName a1 ... an = constr1 | ... | constrm
where DatatypeName is the name of a new type constructor of arity n>=0,
a1, ..., an are distinct type variables representing the arguments of
DatatypeName and constr1, ..., constrm (m>=1) describe the way in which
elements of the new datatype are constructed. Each constr can take one
of two forms:
o Name type1 ... typer where Name is a previously unused constructor
function name (i.e. an identifier beginning with a capital
letter). This declaration introduces Name as a new constructor
function of type: type1 -> ...-> typer -> DatatypeName a1 ... an.
o type1 CONOP type2 where CONOP is a previously unused constructor
function operator (i.e. an operator symbol beginning with a
colon). This declaration introduces (CONOP) as a new constructor
function of type: type1 -> type2 -> DatatypeName a1 ... an.
[N.B. only the type variables a1, ..., an may appear in the type expressions
in each constr in the definition of DatatypeName.]
As a simple example, the following definition introduces a new type Day
with elements Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri and Sat:
data Day = Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat
Simple functions manipulating elements of type Day can be defined using
pattern matching:
what_shall_I_do Sun = "relax"
what_shall_I_do Sat = "go shopping"
what_shall_I_do _ = "looks like I'll have to go to work"
Another example uses a pair of constructors to provide a representation
for temperatures which may be given using either of the centigrade or
fahrenheit scales:
data Temp = Centigrade Float | Fahrenheit Float
freezing :: Temp -> Bool
freezing (Centigrade temp) = temp <= 0.0
freezing (Fahrenheit temp) = temp <= 32.0
The following example uses a type variable on the left hand side of the
datatype definition to implement a Set type constructor for
representing sets using a list of values:
Introduction to Gofer 11.1 Datatype definitions
data Set a = Set [a]
For example, Set [1,2,3] is an element of type Set Int, representing
the set of integers {1, 2, 3} whilst Set ['a'] represents a singleton
set of type Set Char. As this example shows, it is possible to use the
same name simultaneously as both a type constructor and as a
constructor function.
Datatype definitions may also be recursive, using the name of the
datatype being defined on the right hand side of the datatype
definition (mutually recursive datatype definitions are also
permitted). The following example is taken from the Haskell report [5]
and defines a type representing binary trees with values of a
particular type at their leaves:
data Tree a = Lf a | Tree a :^: Tree a
For example, (Lf 12 :^: (Lf 23 :^: Lf 13)) :^: Lf 10 has type Tree Int
and represents the binary tree:
,--- 12
| | ,--- 23
| `--|
| `--- 13
`--- 10
As an example of a function defined on trees, here are two definitions
using recursion and pattern matching on tree valued expressions which
calculate the list of elements at the leaves of a tree traversing the
branches of the tree from left to right. The first definition uses a
simple definition, whilst the second uses an `accumulating parameter'
giving a more efficient algorithm:
leaves, leaves' :: Tree a -> [a]
leaves (Lf l) = [l]
leaves (l:^:r) = leaves l ++ leaves r
leaves' t = leavesAcc t []
where leavesAcc (Lf l) = (l:)
leavesAcc (l:^:r) = leavesAcc l . leavesAcc r
Using the binary tree above as an example:
? leaves ((Lf 12 :^: (Lf 23 :^: Lf 13)) :^: Lf 10)
[12, 23, 13, 10]
(24 reductions, 73 cells)
? leaves' ((Lf 12 :^: (Lf 23 :^: Lf 13)) :^: Lf 10)
[12, 23, 13, 10]
(20 reductions, 58 cells)
Introduction to Gofer 11.2 Type synonyms
11.2 Type synonyms
Type synonyms are used to provide convenient abbreviations for type
expressions. A type synonym is introduced by a declaration of the
type Name a1 ... an = expansion
where Name is the name of a new type constructor of arity n>=0, a1,
..., an are distinct type variables representing the arguments of Name
and expansion is a type expression. Note that the only type variables
permitted in the expansion type are those on the left hand side of the
synonym definition. Using this declaration any type expression of the
Name type1 ... typen
is treated as an abbreviation of the type expression obtained from
expansion by replacing each of the type variables a1, ..., an with the
corresponding type type1, ..., typen.
The most frequently used type synonym is almost certainly the String
type which is a synonym for [Char]:
type String = [Char]
[ASIDE: This definition is actually built in to the Gofer system, but
the effect is the same as if this declaration were included in the
standard prelude.]
Note that the types of expressions inferred by Gofer will not usually
contain any type synonyms unless an explicit type signature is given,
either using an explicitly typed expression (section 10.6) or a type
declaration (section 9.12):
? :t ['c']
['c'] :: [Char]
? :t ['c'] :: String
['c'] :: String
Unlike the datatype declarations described in the previous section,
recursive (and mutually recursive) synonym declarations are not
permitted. This rules out examples such as:
type BadSynonym = [BadSynonym]
And ensures that the process of expanding all of the type synonyms used
in any particular type expression will always terminate. The same
property does not hold for the illegal definition above, in which any
attempt to expand the type BadSynonym would lead to the non-terminating
BadSynonym ==> [BadSynonym] ==> [[BadSynonym]] ==> ....